Friday, July 15, 2011

A way out of the economic slump.

Support and push and American Energy Policy that embraces and calls for an increase in all forms of energy acquisition, production, and distribution.  

Wind, Solar, Coal, Geo-Thermal, Hydro Electric, Nuclear, Natural Gas and Petroleum, there is a projected need for energy that supports a large scale increase in generating capacity of all types of energy. 

The goal should be to increase output in all areas to the point that the cost for electricity for the consumer declines. 

With this planned increase would come a need to renovate and expand the nations electrical grid.  This plan also provides for the addition of private and public sector jobs, short and long term employment, in low tech, medium tech, and high tech fields.

Additionally, support and push a policy of increase fossil fuel acquisition, specifically coal and oil from US reserve along with an increase in refining capacity.  Again there is a projected need for more gasoline that support a large scale increase in generation of and greater acquisition of as well as refining of oil. 

The goal again should be to increase the production to the point that the cost of gasoline to the consumer would decrease. 

With the decrease in cost, a modest increase in tax on gas at the pump, for the specific purpose of expanding the nations energy network of non-fossil fuels (green energy) and cleaner burning natural gas is in order.

The policies would additionally strengthen the position of American sovereignty, fiscal stability, and standing in world affairs.

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