Monday, September 12, 2011

What do you think about this proposal

the money taken from your check and the money that your employer gives in Social Security Tax buys a U.S. Savings Bond the face value is double the total taken.  (i.e.  you donate $100.00 your emplyer gives $100.00, total $200.00, you get a bond worth $400.00).  These bonds would be special in that you could not use them until you reach the age of 65 and or if meeting certain requirements you can use them if you become disabled.  The funds would as the with current savings bonds go into the general fund and the government has the ability to plan for the payment out of the bonds and never threaten to not be able to send out the checks.  You have a tangeble investment in you hand and can count the amount you have a plan accordingly, choosing to give the standard amount or invest more, with Social Security or invest more somewhere else?

Let me know what you think.